Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Public Education & Inequality

The first schools only had one or two classrooms. Source
      The purpose for the first public schools was people needed better training. People believed that education was key to finincial security and social status. They also saw education as an opportunity to merge millions of immigrants.

      Some problems with the first public schools were that the students only were required to go 4 years. If students didn't pay attention or follow the strict rule in school they were hit. The schools also didn't have that many resources. In the schools the teachers would make the students read the Protestant bible. They would also encourage only speaking in English which made most parents with other culture mad.

Kids on their way to school. Source
        Schools were able to help families by taking care of them while the parents were working. The schools also helped take kids out of sweatshops. In schools the kids were able to learn how to write and read. They were also thought math and science.

       On problem was that schools perpetuated inequality. Opportunities differed sharply for white and black students. According to statistics taken 62%  of white children attended elementary school while only 34% of African American attended. After 60 years public schools became available for the majority of black children in the southern states.


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