Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How The Tycoons Became SO Rich

Andrew Carnegie was a Tycoon that at a young age he was really rich.  Source
            One of the interesting things about Carnegie's life was when his boss actually let him buy stocks. That was rear at the time because poor people could'nt afford to buy stocks.

            The tycoons were businessman of exceptional wealth and power. They got wealthy by continually searching for new ways to make better products for less money. Tycoons also tried new machines. They also attracted new talented workers by offering them great pays and benefits that they couldn't resits. Competition between workers was also  encouraged.
            A strategy that Tycoons used to control their business was verticle integration.
John D. Rockerfeller was a Tycoon that focused on oil. Source

            Robber barons are wealthy businessman. and after establishing their monopolies, owners began raising prices higher than before and began to reduce wages for workers.

             Social Darwinism was the idea that being rich was a sign of God's favor, and being poor was a sign of being lazy or inferior. Darwin described how species flourished and passed their traits to other new generations. This is why America thought they were the best.


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